Early Bird Entries Closing Soon!

Only a few more days left to enter if you want to claim an Early Bird Discount! 

We are offering an Early Bird Discount of $10 per person to those who enter before 1 April.

The Course and Terrain

The event area consists of approximately 250 sq. km of undulating grazing properties with some fringing State Forest areas. The grazing country, which makes up the bulk of the area, is generally lightly forested and very open although the rains of the past summer are likely to mean that the grass will be thicker and taller than usual which may reduce the speed across the terrain somewhat. There are few steep slopes and the hills are generally less than 200 metres high with much of the area gently undulating with much lower hills.

The State Forest areas vary from open forest, through more dense forest to pine plantation with some remnant rainforest areas. The State Forests generally have good track networks.

The topography is intricate spur-gully with many watercourses. Updates on the terrain will be posted here as the course setting progresses.


You can now order your custom designed event shirt! Click here for information. We also have a limited number of high quality compasses for sale which you can order when you enter the event.


There is camping available at the Hash House site on the Friday and Saturday nights. We also have limited floor space available in a Community Hall for those who prefer that to putting up a tent (register your interest when you enter). There are plenty of motel options within a 1 hour drive of the Hash House, in the towns of Nanango, Goomeri, Murgon and Gympie. The course is located in this area, for reference.

Travelling to Brisbane

The rogaine location is approximately 2.5-3 hours drive from Brisbane International Airport. Information on getting to the event from Brisbane, including information on the ARC bus service, is provided here.

Other things to do while in the area

Check out the Visit Gympie Region website for some excellent resources for planning and booking your itinerary. One option is to spend a day or two before the event at the Gympie Music Muster. The Gympie Regional Council has made a generous financial contribution to the event, and we would like to encourage all participants to stay in the area a while and explore the local attractions and natural environment.

Spread the word!

Please spread the word about this event within your networks. If you are bringing along friends and family who aren’t competing why not encourage them to volunteer to help out? Remember, this event is not just for elites, everyone is welcome to participate.

Thanks for your interest, we look forward to seeing you in SE Qld in August.

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